
Case Series: Medical Racism & Mistrust in Vaccines (coming Spring 2021!)

This spring, we will be hosting case series discussions with community leaders and medical school faculty on the importance of diversity in medicine and the issue of medical distrust, specifically in reference to vaccines. Stay tuned!

Vaccine Journal Club (coming Summer 2021!)

The influenzers are hosting a web-based journal club that discusses vaccine research in all forms–basic science, translational, clinical, and epidemiology/public health! Though discussions will be geared towards health science students & faculty, all are welcome to join!

Webinar Series (coming Fall 2021!)

To share the truly inter-professional nature of vaccine work, the Influenzers will be bringing in people from academia/industry/public health who do vaccine education, development, or testing to give talks!

Coming to Pitt School of Medicine: Vaccine Mini-Elective!

The Influenzers hopes to create further educational opportunities for health sciences students in Pittsburgh by starting a new Vaccine Mini Elective in the medical school curriculum.

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