
Agenda Item #1: Support for Dentists/Dental Students to Administer Flu Vaccines

As a vaccine policy group first and foremost, The Influenzers take seriously our mission to educate on, inform, and lobby for better statewide and federal policies regarding vaccines! Currently, many members of medical care teams, including medical students under supervision, are able to administer flu vaccines. However, as of 2020, only 3 states (Minnesota, Illinois, and Oregon) allow dentists to administer flu vaccines–even though dentists receive much of the same medical education. At a time when increased availability and accessibility of the flu vaccine, and when ready the COVID-19 vaccine, is so critical, having more medical providers and clinical sites that administer vaccines would be very beneficial. Additionally, given the community mistrust that exists around physicians and vaccines, being able to offer this service at one’s dental office could be useful.

Read more about the ADA’s statement on supporting dentists as vaccine providers here: https://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2020-archive/october/ada-supports-efforts-allowing-dentists-to-administer-vaccines

Read more about some states pulling in other care providers, including dentists, for COVID-19 vaccine administration: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/health/non-traditional-covid-vaccinators/index.html

Bringing policy lobbying to your fingertips: our collaboration with BeamData!

BeamData is a local startup whose technology helps to directly connect the Pittsburgh community with elected local government officials. The Influenzers is partnering with BeamData to help our communities easily advocate for better vaccination policies (including this year’s agenda item above!).

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